Monday, July 19, 2010

Story of Today: Sunday

8:30am - "Good morning. Are you going to stop taking my picture so much soon?"

8:51am - On Sunday mornings, I wake up and check my coupon sites for the week's deals. Today was no different.

8:57pm - I made breakfast for Griffin while Nicholas worked out.

9:30am - We all ate together after that and Griffin learned to shake hands.

10:30am - We went out to run errands. I did a quick run through Walgreens, where I got 2 Digiorno pizzas for $4, and CVS, where I bought a four pack of tea with $5.99 in extra care bucks and got back $7.99 in extra care bucks. For those of you who don't do math, they paid me $2 to take it out of the store.

11:15pm - I went to the country club for a run. Nicholas took Griffin to Lowes and Kroger. He said he was so tired he started falling asleep sitting up in the cart! :(

12:37pm - We ran straight home, fed Griffin a quick lunch, and put him to bed. We had B.L.Ts for lunch again because they were just that good.

1:42pm - We watched this great little documentary called Pressure Cooker and I worked on my journaling for this project.

3:43pm - Griffin napped for a while so I also did some knitting. I also ran some errands and took my third trip to Michael's this week.

5:37pm - Ron and Mema came over for dinner.

6:21pm - We love to have our Sunday family dinners. Nicholas made chicken, sauteed potatoes, and corn on the cob.

7:00pm - Mema stayed with Griffin while we went out bowling. He was a little ready for his bath to stay the least.

7:15pm - We went down to Cardinal Lanes for some bowling. Everyone had their own moment of victory.

8:45pm - This is one of the highlights of my week.

10:30pm - I came home and hung out with Nicholas. We watched Design Stars and cuddled on the couch.

12:24pm - I stayed up way too late and am just this moment going to bed!

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