Monday, January 08, 2007

Will you people stop at nothing?!?

I've been getting ALOT of these kind of emails lately:

They are all generic pay check advance loans, but they appeal to people through their religious affiliation. I don't know if this is just the latest trend in email spam (I haven't heard from my friend the Nigerian Prince in quite awhile). But I find these appeals completely despicable. Paycheck advance loans are bad enough with their five hundred percent interest rates (I've always said you are better off borrowing your money from the mob - at least they won't affect your credit score!) but to appeal to people with lame tag lines like "Borrow money the CHRISTIAN way." Puh-leeze - as if slapping the word Christian on it, means Jesus loves you more for ruining your financial future with these people as opposed to someone else. Give me a break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to agree. The church is suppose to help people in need not charge them Interest no matter what the amount.
