Thursday, January 25, 2007


So I'm pretty much devastated. I have to give up my cell phone number. The cell phone number I've had SINCE I'VE HAD A CELLPHONE, aka 1999, aka for seven years.

I know it's not a huge deal but I've become pretty attached to it. It's the last link to Kentucky and Transy in particular. I know I will probably never live in Lexington again and that it makes more since to have a DC number but I really really love 859-492-9207.

I'm officially in mourning. :(

I will be sending my new number around. If you don't get it by tomorrow, let me know.

I am now practicing the Buddhist ethic of detachment.
Also, I am trying to think of this as an important symbol of my transition from student to real life adult. :)


Anonymous said...

I had the other one memorized from college. I can guarantee you the new one will go on speed dial and I will never have it memorized. Memories....

Rob said...

Detachment is extremely helpful once you become an adult. Even more helpful is money. Lots of it.

Sarah said...

Is that a Buddhist principle too? b/c I didn't see that one wikipedia ;)