Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sometimes your dog won't poop and its frustrating...

So, yeah, not to put to fine a point on it but sometimes you walk Maggie for what seems like hours and you KNOW she has to go but she won't. And of course on some level you know she's not doing it to you on purpose, but, on the other hand, you wonder why there aren't more warnings about shaken doggy syndrome.

ANYWAY, I had walked the dog twice with no luck. So Nicholas took her with him to the ATM machine. He returns...

Nicholas: Your dog is a jerk.
Nicholas: Oh no, you have no idea. I've trumped you by a mile.
Me: What she still hasn't pooped.
Nicholas: I take her out. We stop in the grass for a minute...nothing. So, we walk to the ATM machine. I'm depositing the checks, not paying attention. Meanwhile, our dog is shitting underneath my left foot.

I can't help but think this is some form of retaliation for our new dedication to the Dog Whisperer's pack leader technique.

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