Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's official

I got this email message this morning. First, I have to admit it was nice hearing it from Hillary before anyone else. :) Second, I didn't realize how excited I would be once it was official.

As most of you know, I am a huge Hillary fan. I think she is wise, careful and considerate in her decisions, and has proven herself a survivor in the field of politics and leader on the world stage.

It also goes without saying that the idea of a female president goes to the core of who I am and I cannot imagine anything I would more like to see happen in my lifetime.

However, as Obama-mania built, I found my loyalties tested a bit. I've seen Senator Barack speak and he is charismatic and full of integrity. And, of course, there is the whole Oprah thing. She loves him and I love her so I found myself being pulled in two different directions.

But when I got an email from Hillary Clinton this morning with the subject line "I'm in," my heart started beating faster and a smile spread across my face. She is my candidate. The candidate I believe can win and should win because she is the best option for this country.

I like Barack. I do. But he is untested, inexperienced, and so far noncommittal on every major issue. He doesn't speak to me and Hillary does.

So, Hillary's in and I'm officially in for Hillary. I'm sure most of you aren't THAT surprised. ;)

I read the post to Nicholas and here is the exchange that followed:

Nicholas: I guess I'm going to have to vote for Barack.
Me: WHAT!?!
Nicholas: You know...bros before hoes.

It's going to be a long campaign season.


Anonymous said...

Rudy vs. Hillary!

I LOVE IT and can't wait for when he takes the state of NY right out from under her ;)

It's on little one!

Haley said...

I'm not surprised at all that you are backing Hilary! Although, it would be cool to have the first African American president in our lifetime too. Either way, I hope history is made in the next election!

Christina said...

Well, there go our chances of winning in 2008.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited...this may be the first democrat I ever vote for!!!

Yah Hillary 2008!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to vote for Hillary.