Sunday, March 25, 2007

My Mother the Superhero

It turns out librarian's deserve their action figure status, or at least my mom does. :)

On Friday, she emails me to tell me I'll never guess who's in her library... Steven Jones*! Steven Jones spent most of our time together in high school thinking of new and creative ways to sexually harass me. He said filthy things to me, rubbed against me, and repeatedly made me cry. Well, my mother remembered this harassment vividly and when he came in to HER library, she decided this was her chance to let him know how she felt about him.

"Steven Jones! I just want you to know that you harassed my daughter, Sarah Stewart, in high school. You said nasty, filthy things to her and I did not appreciate it. I only hope one day you have a daughter that some boy says dirty things to, so you know how it feels!"

I believe his response was. "Uh...I don't remember saying things like that. I'm so sorry." Apparently, he was pretty polite overall, which I guess isn't surprising since he's now longer an obnoxious 16-year-old . But still, I think it's pretty awesome that my mom gave him what for! He was so terrible to me, he totally deserved being called out - even if it was several years later.

*Names have been changed to protect the guilty, but sufficiently embarrassed.

1 comment:

hatetoblog said...

I didn't say I wanted his daughter to be harassed, I said "You'd better hope that know one ever talks to your daugher that way". I'm not that mean...

PS. loved the action figure