Monday, March 26, 2007

Holy baby's mama!

So, no big secret I am a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica. Huge. Massive. Love it. Sunday night was the season finale. We actually didn't watch it yesterday because we were busy watching Planet Earth. (Amazing! But that's another post.)

Anyway, we just watched it and can I just say?!? Holy baby's mama!

(Stop reading now if you haven't seen it!)

Starbuck is alive! More Cylons! What does it all mean?!?! Then came the worst part...

"Returns in 2008"

WHAT?!? People it's March! M-A-R-C-H! As in the third month of the year - out of twelve. I'm never going to make it.

I mean I guess I have Dancing with the Stars, The Sopranos, Big Love, Weeds, Spiderman 3, the 7th (and last) Harry Potter book, the fifth Harry Potter movie, and the whole Democratic Party Primary to keep me occupied till then. BUT STILL!

1 comment:

Haley said...

OMG, Brian has recently become obsessed with Planet Earth also! He tivos every episode!