Thursday, September 03, 2009

On Diapers

When I was pregnant, Nicholas and I decided to use cloth diapers. I can't say I ever honestly considered using only disposables. I hate the idea of waste. Leftovers give me joy. I never buy a new bottle of anything without using all of the first. So, cloth seemed like the only choice.

Almost four months in, I'm proud to say I still think we made the right decision. Everyone acted like we were crazy but cloth diapers today are just as easy as disposable. Yes, there is more laundry but I vastly prefer a trip to the washer and dryer as opposed to late night trips to Walmart. Running from $15-$20 a piece, the cloth diapers are usually a pretty substantial investment up front but we got incredibly lucky on a couple of fronts. We bought several at literally $2 to $3 a piece at Surplus City and then my good friend Elizabeth ended up giving us almost $150 worth of extra diapers she had received from a family member. Plus, we plan to reuse these for our next child. Considering the average costs of disposables is $800 a year, we're talking a savings of several thousand dollars.

So, to all the soon to be parents out there I say, ignore the naysayers and go cloth!


Annie said...

Right on. As crazy as things have been for us, I'm still happy we went cloth.

Michelle said...

Hey, man, I totally respect your decision and hate waste, too. We recycle everything except our disposable diapers. ;)