Thursday, September 03, 2009


Internet, I have an announcement.

I am not going to eat dessert anymore.

Whoa, seeing it in type makes it seem pretty intense. Last night as I sat down to chocolate chip cookies more out of habit then desire, I realized it was time to make a change. I've found it's much easier to establish a zero tolerance with food choices then general guidelines. I don't drink soda. I don't eat meat (I have started again recently and the line keeps getting fuzzier and fuzzier. But that's another post.)

I figure a zero tolerance policy will be even easier to stick to if I announce it to all of y'all. So, there you have it. No more dessert ... at my house. I mean I'm not CRAZY y'all I'll still have it at restaurants or when other people make dessert (because well that's just rude) but no more eating dessert as a nightly ritual. Dinner is necessary. Dessert isn't.

We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

suggestion: have LOTS of fruit in the house