Wednesday, May 28, 2008

For the record...

Junior Prom - 1998
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas

As many of you may have noticed, I am scanning all of my old photos and putting them on flickr. I thought I would share this photo with all of you because I think it is the best picture taken of me EVER.

Given I was only 16 and cellulite free, not to mention with my high school boyfriend who was not my decision making at its best, but dang I look good! Also I think I deserve some serious credit, because that was 1998 and I would wear that dress tomorrow. The same cannot be said for some of my friends I'm afraid.


Haley said...

cute! speaking of, my little sis is goign her senior prom this weekend! So exciting! haha!

Anonymous said...

oh my jesus, you look gorgeous. you always look gorgeous, but this is a stunning picture of you.


Rob said...

As your personal photographer, I resemble that characterization.