Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sarah's Selections

New Yorker article that provides an excellent historical review of the Conservatism and encompasses (although not concisely) while I am not a Republican - turns out asking people who hate government to govern, not such a good idea.

An editorial about the real issue with state's rights.

I'm usually a big proponent of college for everyone but this piece makes an interesting counter-argument.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Of course it's unpopular. People have come to rely on the government. For haven sakes, we just mailed Billions of dollars to citizens. It's ridiculous. Totally ridiculous.

Government has become peoples parents in an age where people don't have parental figures.

Right now, people want a government that provides for them. And not just provides big things, but little things too.

Not me. I want the government out of my wallet, out of my house, out of my work. I want the g'ment to defend me and thats about it.

It's proved incompetent of doing much else.

It's all cyclical, though. Thats why the Contract for America worked back in the 90s. People get fed up with this style of g'ment that doesn't work, so the other side spews things that sound good, and we switch tracks. Then, that doesn't look so good after a few years, so we then revert to another track. It's a marketing game that costs a whole lotta money and in the end, we're left with bigger government thats even more incapable of doing anything of benefit to anyone.

Hows that for a sweeping generalization? :)