Sunday, February 11, 2007


Yesterday, while down in the laundry room, I noticed that another resident was wiping out her laundry basket with Clorox wipes. When I mentioned that I had never seen someone cleaning a laundry basket, she said that the dirty clothes were in there before the clean clothes depositing all types of germs.

Last time I checked germs don't grow so well on cold, hard basket, but what do I know?

How do ya'll feel about this? Normal or borderline OCD?


Pamela said...

OCD. I'd be more afraid of chemicals on my laundry basket bleaching out my clothes.

Sarah said...

Oh good point!

Haley said...

OCD. And this is coming from a girl who never re-uses a makeup sponge and throws away loofahs after 2 weeks.

Stephanie Ann Marshall said...

Its definitely OCD but it also reminds me of Margaret Norment who used to rewash socks if they fell on the floor on the way back to her room from the laundry room...she was a nutbag.