Friday, September 29, 2006

Together, America can do better...

Yesterday, I got a great opportunity to go to the DNC's Women's Leadership Forum's Conference. WLF is primarily a fundraising council but the conference focused on all types of activism and organizing. The day started with some truly fantastic speakers including Congresswomen Wasserman Schultz and Congresswomen Moore. Moore was particularly engaging and really really funny. At one point, she informed us she had to hurry back to the Hill so she could continue "the important work of saving the country one post office at a time." HA! I love it and it rings particularly true for anyone who has gone to the House or Senate floor to see the "debate" (I use that world very loosely).

Next, there was a really informative panel on the mid-term elections with an editor for the Cook Report and a leading Democratic pollster. Obviously, they can't say 100% but it looks as long as Democrats don't drop the ball we might actually take the house. Then, Congressman Jack Murtha and Congresswomen Jane Harmen led a panel on national security that was at once terrifying and hopeful...well it would be if these people could get in a position of power to actually make a difference.

Of course the real highlight of the day was lunch with a keynote speech by Senator Clinton. No big surprise that I am a huge fan. This was the first time I have seen her speak and I was really impressed. I was particularly impressed by the fact that at the end of her speech that was focused on fundraising she spoke very frankly about the fact she hates that this is how it has to be. However, nothing will change unless we win and we can't win when Republicans are outspending us 5 to 1 so there you go.

The rest of the day was spent on trainings. We learned about the tools offered on the DNC's websites and an effective fundraising ask. All of this was really exciting but one of the best parts of the day for me was being able to network and get advice on my future pursuits. I was able to talk to one women in particular who offered some really excellent advice on how to get onto the presidential campaign. Basically, I might have to spend some time in Iowa - woohooo!

Although the thought of working that hard and being away from Nicholas is daunting, I have dreamed my whole life of being a part of a presidential campaign (mainly as the president but hey we all start somewhere!). I can't think of anything more exciting. I've had a pretty stressful week and have taken a lot of flack from people about not taking the bar after graduation. It's really hard breaking away from the corporate law path everyone takes in law school, especially when they all have jobs lined up. But yesterday reminded me the most difficult path is often the most rewarding and being secure and safe aren't the most important things in life - following your dreams is.


Haley said...

Hell, I wouldn't take the bar either if I didn't have a boatload of loans to payback! You can accomplish everything you want WITHOUT taking the bar, darling. Boo for corporate lawyers. They're boring. Haha. Just remember the little people when you become a famous politician, ok?

Sarah said...

Of course darling - although to have actual dinner or quality time with me you will either need to make a donation or move to a battleground state :)