Friday, September 08, 2006

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

Yesterday afternoon, as I was taking my precious dog to the vet, I noticed an interesting development in my little neighborhood of Cleveland Park. Our local theater, the Uptown, was surrounded by media and barricades and (dare I say it) RED CARPET! Apparently the new Kevin Costner/Ashton Kutcher vehicle The Guardian was premiering a block from my house.

As most of you know I am a celebrity whore of the highest level, so you can only imagine my excitement. I immediately called my good friend and neighbor Laura Israel and left an urgent message to call me ASAP. When I exclaimed, "The Guardian is premiering! We have to go see!" she thought I had lost my mind not only because I wanted to see The Guardian but I apparently had to see it opening night. As soon as I explained, it wasn't opening it was premiering complete with red carpet and celebs galore she was in.

We waited right by the sign-in table for about 30 minutes when the "talent" started to arrive. First, Sela Ward came looking really beautiful. We waved and told her we loved her dress. She was very sweet and told us thank you. Next, Michael Rady who we recognized but couldn't figure out from were. Luckily, Laura is a walking and exclaimed "Kostas!" from Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (which we know you have all seen so don't try to deny). Finally around 6:35, the headliner... Kevin Costner.

He pulled out right in front of us but immediatley crossed the street to greet fans lined up there. He then came back towards us. Maggie was with us adn I asked him if he would pet my dog. He flashed his trademark smile (pictured above) and shook his head. I forgive him though. First, because he looked really really good (as did his Barbie doll wife) and second, because Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is one of my favorite movies of all time.

The best part was Michael Chertoff, the head of Homeland Security, pulled up right behind him and had to hang out while Kevin worked the crowd. Then he got out and hobbnobbed a bit. So glad he's hard at work keeping us all safe, getting people in LA some damn trailers already, and then of course kicking it with Costner.

Finally, right before the movie was supposed to start at 7pm, Ashton showed up with Demi. I have to say he is terribly cute and she looks freaking amazing. We didn't get to have any exchanges with the power couple beyond a couple of waves but exciting just the same.

Overall, it was all terribly thrilling. How many times is there a world premiere of a big Hollywood picture a block from your house? Reason number 3 million I'm glad we moved ;)

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