Monday, August 08, 2005

Weekend with the girls!

Originally uploaded by The Smooze.
Well I just got back from Louisville. I went in for my friend Alexis's wedding in Lexington, which was beautiful. (pics on flickr) However, the best part was getting to be with my girls!

Me, Elizabeth, Erin, and Aimee have stood by each other through breakups, family drama, weddings, babies, and relocation and that just since we've graduated! When we get together you can bet there will be lots of gossip, sex stories, and Arbor Mist and very very little sleep. This weekend was no different although our friendship got a very exciting addition. Our group of four became a group of five! Catherine has been with us from the beginning but this weekend we made it a "official" which basically means we said "Now you have to go on vacation with us and write in our correspondence journal!"

So, all in all a really great weekend especially since my really great parents decided to drive up from Paducah and take us all out to eat and visit for a couple of days. Between amazing friends, family, and a damn near perfect husband I really am the luckiest girl in the world.

1 comment:

Haley said...

Arbor Mist...Mmmmm. ;)