Friday, May 09, 2003

In D.C.

For everyone's clarification, I have moved to DC for the summer. I am living on Capitol Hill, about 6 blocks from our fair judiciary and legislature. It's a small apartment, but it's bigger than I thought it would be. I may post pictures on later this weekend, but those may have to wait until Sarah gets here, as the only digital camera I have is a webcam. Anyone who wants to come see me can sleep on the spacious floor or perhaps on the hide-a-bed in the kitchen. For those who know the area, I live about 2 blocks from Eastern Market, which is apparently a large open-air market on Saturdays and Sundays.

I went to the National Air and Space Museum today (insert your own model rocketry/dork reference here).

In other news, you can't take your Segway on the Metro. Also, Christopher and Nicholas came in 4th and 5th in most popular baby names. Congratulations to Christopher for beating me this year, but this was a rebuilding year for Nicholas...

Lastly, congratulations go out to all of the soon-to-be Duke Law Grads. You know who you are.

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