Thursday, July 16, 2009

16 and Pregnant

I love this show. I'm not trying to lie. I've decided to blog the season finale.

9:01 Whoa, these kids are stepbrother and sister!!!
9:02 Condoms washed in the washing machine spell disaster. Who knew? Makes sense I guess.
9:03 What kind of person doesn't "believe" in adoption!?!? Especially if that person happens to be a parent of a pregnant 16-year-old. Are you freaking kidding me!?!
9:04 This total and complete disgusting excuse for a father just told his 16-year-old son that he didn't "man up" because he's giving his baby up for adoption. There are no words.
9:05 I think giving up a baby for adoption would be so difficult under the best circumstances but to do it at 16 without the support of your family. These kids deserve some type of award.
9:10 "Can you imagine if we kept her? How screwed up that baby would be?" This kid is brilliant.
9:10 "I would get an abortion I'm telling you right now." Decisive that one.
9:11 I'm a little disturbed that they're not mature enough to have a baby but they're mature enough to pick the parents from a scrapbook.
9:12 "He's a financial planner. I don't even know what that is." Nicholas: "That's the most descriptive job in the world. It's like banker. How can he not know what that is?!?"
9:12 "No, that's not all a baby needs is love Dad!" This kid is worth all the depressing moments in previous 16 and Pregnant.
9:13 Don't get immediate contact with the baby! Smart girl.
9:17 WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH THESE PARENTS!?!?! Are you freaking kidding me?!?! She bought a bassinet for her daughter who is giving up the baby for adoption!!! "You still have time to change your mind." I'm going to punch this woman.
9:19 Brandon and Theresa are great adoptive parent names.
9:20 Wow, if she holds a cat like that. I'm concerned for the baby.
9:21 Heartwarming hug between her and the adoptive mother. Tearing up.
9:22 "I don't really have a good, stable household...I just want her to have better than I had." I want to hug this girl. Maybe they could just adopt her too.
9:28 No! Don't let them induce you!
9:29 She's now comforting her own mother about the adoption. Seriously, somebody get this girl a college fund.
9:30 My cousin: "You know she's already made enough smart decisions. You can't expect her to have a home birth too." HA!
9:34 Here comes the pitocin...epidural can't be far behind.
9:35 Watching the girls on this show suffer so unnecessarily is so freaking frustrating.
9:36 And here comes the epidural.
9:38 The doctor looks like an extra from Outbreak.
9:39 The dad looks a little traumatized.
9:40 "Fresh from God." Did she really just say that?
9:41 This is so brutal. The baby needs to go to someone who can hold it and bond with it. I don't care who it is.
9:44 I've changed my mind. She should see the baby.
9:45 These adoptive parents are so nervous. It's so sad.
9:46 These two 16 year olds are braver than I could ever be. I can barely make it through this episode much less giving it up myself.
9:47 "5 hours out from delivery." Oh my gosh I bet those adoptive parents are freaking out.
9:48 The joy on the adoptive mother's face is priceless.
9:49 Oh my god matching jewelry! I'm dying! ... "We can't thank you enough." I'm sobbing now.
9:52 Seriously, the 16 year old's mom wouldn't sign the adoption papers. Just when you thought she couldn't get worse.
9:53 This is so excruciating.
9:54 He kept her blanket.
9:55 I hate this girl's mother. I hate her.
9:56 "I'm at peace with my decision."
9:57 OH MY GOD! Follow up with Dr. Drew!

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