Monday, May 12, 2008


We just bought tickets to Tunisia...sort of on a lark. Well not really - but kind of.

So, yeah, if you need us August 15-24, we'll be in Tunisia. :)

UPDATE: For those of you wondering about Tunisia (or having to consult a map!), here is a write up from a recent Fodor's article entitled "Where We're Going in 'O8: 7 Places Americans Have Yet to Discover."

"Tunisia: Tell people you're going to Tunisia and you'll most likely get blank stares from Americans. Europeans, on the other hand, nod knowingly. Thanks to old colonial ties, this prosperous and peaceful country, wedged between Algeria and Libya, is a favorite destination among the French. Brits and Germans flock here, too, lured by low prices, a reliably sunny climate, and a jaw-dropping assortment of sites. Aside from the expected medinas and mosques, Tunisia has some of the best Roman ruins anywhere: the coliseum at El Jem and the temples of Sbeitla being only two examples. The real draw, however, is Tunisia's diversity. Within a matter of hours you can drive from the Mediterranean beaches of Djerba (a resort island popular enough to support three Club Meds) through villages that were used as filming locations for the Star Wars movies, and into the Sahara. Visiting the last of these is a mostly "in-tents" excursion. Board a camel for a bare-bones camping experience (; about $30 per person) or go upscale at the ultra-chic Pansea Ksar Ghilane (doubles from €129) tent resort. Air France has regular flights to Tunisia from New York and Paris."


Jessica said...

Well OK.

You're officially the first person I've known thats announced a vacation and I (admittedly) had to google it.

I'm geographically challenged.

Anonymous said...



Geoffrey said...

Will Nicholas be able to fish while he's there?

Sarah said...

We're looking into it. :)

Sarah said...

We're looking into it. :)

Anonymous said...

So...theres no Hard Rock there...I am sad and disappointed;O)

Haley said...

Wow, fun! Have a great trip!

(I had to google it too. Geography is my worst category in jeapordy!)