Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can't Lose!

"Friday Night Lights was also granted a reprieve, though will not return until the winter."

Apparently, the show will begin Oct. 1 on DirecTV's Channel 101 and then next winter on NBC. I'm not exactly happy about maybe having to wait until next winter but hey, beggars can't be choosers.

All that matters is that Riggins, Saracen, and MOST importantly Tami Taylor aren't out of my life forever.

Now, who has DirecTV? ;)


Heather C. Watson said...

I'm pretty excited about this development, too! Another season in which Tim Riggins skips school every Wednesday! :)

We have DirectTV and, at least here in Nashville, the reception is terrible. The satellites loose their feeds all the time, and it's nearly impossible to reset anything yourself. Nearly everything requires a call to a technician. However, Bob just reminded me that we're in the middle of a two-year contract, which means I'll get to see Tim Riggins early. Sometimes his lawyerly attention to contractual details comes in handy!! :)


Anonymous said...

I love, love, love Tami Taylor. Even if I can't watch the episodes on air, they will likely be released on DVD, and I can own the saga of the Dylan Panthers.

What do you mean, it's spelled D-I-L-L-O-N? Not on my TV...

Heather C. Watson said...

At our house, Tami Taylor is referred to as "The Smartest Person in Dillon", cause she totally is! :)