Sunday, January 13, 2008

Rita Braver

We watch CBS Sunday Morning every week. We're a big fan of the show because they always cover fascinating and varied topics in a very balanced and objective way. I always describe it as NPR for your television.

However, there is one minor exception to this standard of excellence and her name is Rita Braver, one of the journalists on the show. I find her slightly annoying but Nicholas actively hates her. His main complaint being that she asks stupid obvious questions.

This week as the host Charles Osgood was introducing her latest report on an exhibition of art from Napoleon's rule. I told Nicholas, "It's your favorite person - Rita Braver."

He then launches into a his mocking Rita Braver impression, "Was Napoleon really short? Was he a tall guy?"

Then, I'm not kidding you, they cut to the piece and the first words out of her mouth.

"What's the deal on Napoleon's height? Was he a short guy like everyone is always saying?"

So, yeah, I guess the criticism is well-founded.

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