Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.

So yeah this weekend was so crazy it's taken me till Wednesday night to write about it!

I had a total of ten loving, wonderful family members fly in from Kentucky, Tennessee, and California to celebrate my big day. It was pretty wonderful. We did a couple whirlwind tours of The Mall and had a fabulous pancake brunch graduation party on Sunday morning.

I think everyone had a good time. Although there were several moments when I wanted to change my name - "Sarah, where we going next?" "Sarah, how much do I need on my metro card?"

Luckily, they all came bearing gifts and I'm a very patient person when gifts are involved ;)

The commencement ceremony itself was really nice and I actually received a law degree. I had convinced myself that something would go wrong at the last minute and they would tell me I actually failed Torts first year and would have to repeat it or something. But nothing happened.

It's a pretty crazy transition. I can't believe my days as a student are over. I was getting really really good at it but I'm also looking forward to "making my mark" as they say. Hopefully, my days as an unpaid intern will soon be coming to an end as well. Of course, I will keep everyone updated on my employment pursuits. As of now, I'm just enjoying my shiny new degree.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah,
Bubba and Deb here. Congrats on your big day!! The accolades are to both of you. You for the hard work, Nicholas for the support. I graduated on the 1st and I know how you feel about being finished. WHHHHEEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep in touch. Love ya and proud of you.
