Saturday, April 24, 2004

Iron Chef America

Just finished a study break during which I watched Iron Chef America. A couple of observations that struck me while watching it:

1) Japanese actresses in translation (on the original Iron Chef) seem much smarter than American actresses. The actress that they had on from "The OC" was amazed by the taste of the wasabi until she was told that she'd probably never had it fresh because most wasabi paste you get is made from wasabi powder and water. Even J. Peterman knew that. She also did not have a very endearing anime-character giggle.

2) Alton Brown is a legitimate chef. This may seem obvious to any who have watched his show, but one of the joys of watching Good Eats is that AB comes across as just a guy who really knows how to cook instead of a guy who has an encyclopedic knowledge of all things culinary. This show allows him to show just how knowledgeable he is, without having to dumb it down for me. Of course, this sometimes leads him to come across a little like a know-it-all, especially when he constantly corrects the guy who reports from the Kitchen Stadium.

That is all.

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