Saturday, April 17, 2004

Final Final Exams

I've started studying for my last set of finals in law school. It shouldn't be too terrible, though there is the added pressure of the fact that failing means I don't get to graduate this year, which could really put a kink in my life plans..

I also received my Bar study materials yesterday. They consist of two legal paper sized books of about 1000 pages a piece, one for Virginia, and one for the Multistate portion of the bar. The cost for this course and the multistate course I am taking is about $2500--luckily, the firm pays for it. I am sufficiently afraid of the bar exam now.

Sarah and I (mostly Sarah) did a lot of Spring Cleaning today. The apartment looks better than it did when we moved in. I also bought a basil plant today, because I was sick and tired of paying 2 bucks for a quarter cup of basil every time I needed it, which is too often. I don't have a green thumb, but maybe my "punishment garden" skills will pay off.

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