Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Since my husband uses the blog to rant occasionally about sports and my New Year's Resolution was to write on the bog more, I have decided that I will share my thoughts on a subject that is very close to my heart...the upcoming presidential election. It seems appropriate considering the election is exactly ten months to the day away.

I'm not going to predict a winner or any such nonsense because truthfully I have no idea what will happen. I do however know that in the circles I run (excluding DeWayne and my stepdad) everyone wants Bush to lose. The problem is no one is willing to do anything about it. Everyone wants to offer their opinions but no one wants to get up off their butt and do anything. My fear is if this complacency continues we will soon be looking at another four years of Dubya - another four years of war, greed, and everything bad in the world.

If we are to stop this from happening, then we must start campaigning NOW. I don't care who you support. I personally support Dean and spent last night writing letters to citizens of Iowa hopefully convincing them to do the same. However, if you like Kucinich, that's fine. Tell everyone you know about Kucinich. The important thing is not only to inform people how good your candidate is but how truly bad Bush is and how absolutely essential it is that they vote.

It doesn't take much. Spread the word. Pass out flyers. Write letters. I promise you they'll take your help. Lord knows they/we need it. It's now or never and November is just around the corner.

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