Monday, September 22, 2003

Well, having survived the first hurricane of our marriage, we thought that we had made it without a power outage. Apparently not, though, because the power went out for a couple of hours on Saturday for no apparent reason. I think this usually happens when they start reconnecting everyone's power and they have big power surges when everyone's toaster/oven/TV/vcr/iron/lamps all turn back on at once and they overload some transformer somewhere. Ah well, it could've been worse.

In other news, with the final addition of slip-covers for the couch and love seat and a few pillows, I think we have also weathered our first home-decoration. Although I kicked and screamed the whole way about the necessity of certain items, I'm a cheap bastard and the apartment really does look good, especially for our budget. Of course, we couldn't have done it without the generosity of all of you at our wedding, so we thank you as well. Now we get to do it all over again in 9 months in DC, although I've been promised that much of what we have now, we can use later.

Also, does anyone know a high school student that might want to apply to Transy? Sarah and I received an application with a fee waiver to give to the high school student of our choice. Unfortunately, we don't know any anymore. Do you?

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