Friday, June 06, 2003

Yes, the past few days at NOW have been really cool. The first day I called celebrities (or atleast that celebrities "people" ) and tried to get them to donate signed CDs/books/art to the auction NOW is having at their upcoming National Conference. So far I've talked to Norah Jones's management and procured a signed poster from the Guerilla Girls. Currently, I am putting together a master list of all the organizations seen as NOW allies. It is just as fun as it sounds. Today, we took a field trip to a Senate Approbriations subcommittee meeting chaired by none other than the great (or AWFUL) Senior Senator from KY Mr. Mitch McConnell. I should stop doing a random assortment of things and start working on PAC stuff when my supervisor gets back on Monday.

On a side note, walking out the front door and seeing the Capitol on my way to the subway NEVER gets old.

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