Thursday, June 12, 2003

The Weather Here

I have to say that I don't understand the weather here in DC. It's pretty hot here now, but for the last two days we've had monsoon rains in the afternoon. And it's not just the classic Atlanta afternoon thunderstorm (the ones I used to pray for as a lifeguard), it's a regular downpour, with dangerous winds and everything.

My week has gone pretty well. I've been busy at work, but yesterday we went to a Maggiano's Restaurant and they fed us family style for two hours. Despite the fact that I went to bed early, I still felt tired from all of the eating. Anyone who complains about being a summer associate has problems.

This weekend Sarah and I are going to go to the Smithsonian Museum of American History to see the reconstructed Julia Child's kitchen they have set up there. I've already been once, but it's really cool and Sarah should definitely see it. It's also Flag Day this weekend, so I think they're doing something big there.

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