Wednesday, December 17, 2008

New York, New York

We had a fantastic weekend in New York. Our dear friends Laura and Daniel put us up for the weekend and ushered us around to one great restaurant after the other. On Saturday, we went to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring the Rockettes and it was all the spectacular it promised complete with 3D glasses, Santa, the Nutcracker AND the Nativity. They really covered all their bases.

Afterward we did some baby shopping around the city, then Laura and I met her sister Julia for Christmas Tea at the St. Regis. The best part was Julia works for a children's magazine and brought me some free swag from her work! It was so incredibly generous of her and I love few things more than free stuff.

On Sunday, we met my dear friend Dave for brunch and did some Christmas shopping at the market at Union Square. Then Nicholas and I made our way to all the classic New York at Christmas stop - FAO Schwartz, Rockefeller Plaza, Saks. It was really nice because we got to see it all lit up at night, where the last couple of years we've only walked around during the day.

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