Saturday, December 30, 2006

Holidays with the Hollands

Holland Christmas
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.
Ok so I've decided to stop playing my new Nintendo DS Lite long enough to blog about our Christmas vacation. :)

The theme of this year's Christmas was babies - for everyone playing along at home. Holy crap, there were a lot of babies. They were all well-behaved a majority of the time, except for a few freakouts brought on by over-stimulation. When they were being really sweet, my baby fever definitley got worse. Luckily, the spit-up and meltdowns tempered it pretty effectively. I also learned Nicholas and I are the perfect baby yin-yang. I prefer the little ones that sleep a lot. He prefers the bigger ones who need constant entertainment.

The first few days we finished up our shopping and got in all our favorite ATL food (Athens Pizza and the Varsity). Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we basically just sat around eating ourselves into a stuper - interrupted by spurts of present opening.

Plus, after only about six years, I'm really starting to get used to these in-laws of mine. I realized I think of them as my family now, instead of Nicholas's. IN FACT, I think I might even choose to hang out with a them if I wasn't required!


(At least of couple of them anyway) ;)

1 comment:

Haley said...

What a CUTE baby pic!