Saturday, November 04, 2006

Questions for the Game of Life

I was trying to think about something to post about since it's been a couple of days. I don't want to post about the election because I'm afraid I'll curse it. I didn't do anything terribly exciting today or the day before that. I'm currently watching On Golden Pond. Needless to say, current events is not an option.

Then I remembered these "If..." books I have. They have conversational questions like "What famous person would you have dinner with?" Stuff like that. Nicholas always hates to do them with me so I'm going to make you guys play!!! ;)

Some of them are way too easy for me - basically every answer to any question involving a famous person, dead or alive, will be Oprah.
If you could have a famous person as your parent, who would it be?
If you could have any person in history be your boss, who would it be?
If you could change places with any celebrity in the world, but have to remain that person forever, who would you be?

Others are harder.
If you could be any sign of the zodiac other than your own, what would you want to be?
I don't really know about any other zodiac sign but my own. Wait - I think that's a characteristic of a Leo.
If you had to pick the TV personality you were most in love with as a kid, who would it be?
Whew. Tough call. I remember Don Johnson being my first real celebrity crush. If we're counting adolescence, I had it bad for Jordan Catalano (Jared Leto) - along with about 3000 other 15-year-old Angela Chase wannabe's.
If you could have been present during the inauguration of any past president, whose would it be?
This one is really hard. My first instinct is Abraham Lincoln's second inaugeral. But then again JFK's? or FDR's? Or what about George Washington's? Oh or Thomas Jefferson's? Too tough - can't pick. Impossible.

Well, that's it for now. Feel free to leave your own answers in the comments if you're bored! :)


Christina said...

Oprah, really? Okay then.

parent: Dr. Suess.
boss: Richard Feinman
change places: OK, I'll give you Oprah for this one.
zodiac: Nah, I'll stick with Scorpio.
tv personality: Magnum, PI.
past president: Definitely Washington. No question.

Sarah said...

hahahaha Magnum PI. Christina that is HIGHlarious! I love the thought of Christina crushing on the 'stach!

Anonymous said...

If I could be present at any presidential inauguration past OR future, I'd want to be at Oprah's.

Sarah said...

See I wasn't thinking big enough - maybe Oprah could be the answer to EVERY question ;)