Sunday, March 26, 2006

National Democratic Law Students Council

At the conference
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.
The second weekend of Spring Break I went to Boston (for the first time ever) for the Inaugeral Conference of the newly formed National Democratic Law Students Council at Harvard. It really was an amazing weekend with lots of networking and great sessions on "Running for Office" and Democratic Strategy. It really restored my faith in the party, especially our keynote address by Howard Dean. I made an unsuccessful bid for VP of Campaigns and Elections but in a runoff election. Overall, as silly as this sounds, I left feeling like I'd really broken into the inner circle. When our speakers looked into the audience and said there were future Senators and Governors in the crowd, it wasn't like how they said it in elementary school - they meant it. People encouraged me to run and thought I had some really great ideas. It's funny how being from a Red State lends you instant credibilty. ;)

Nicholas came with me and we fit in as much sight seeing as possible. We even got to see South Boston's (Southie to locals) St. Patrick Day's Parade. Besides their ridiculous public transit system, we really enjoyed ourselves and of course the accents were good for hours of entertainment.

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