Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Good Times

Daddy is in town on Corps business and we had a really good time going out to dinner with him last night. We went to Neisha Thai in Tenleytown, which was delicious.

This is the first post here since the election, which is only somewhat purposeful. Needless to say, we were pretty disappointed with the Democratic showing. Despite the fact that I've done a lot of it in the last week, I don't think it's terribly helpful to disparage those who voted for Bush, and I think Sarah would agree. It's better to figure out how they won and try to emulate it. The next few years should be interesting. VIVA Democratic obstructionism!


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure emulation of fear-mongering and scare tactics is the way to go...and making disparaging comments about the administration and its policies is different than making disparaging comments about particular people...don't ever stop disparaging the policies, and make your voice heard!

Nicholas said...

Totally agree on the point about disparaging people vs. disparaging Bush, and I think the post is pretty clear. But many people are disparaging the people who voted for him rather than the policies (occasionally myself included). And here's the thing about fear-mongering--IT WORKS--Democrats just have to get people scared about losing their health coverage or Social Security.