Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dear ABC,

Stop splicing together old episodes of Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy into a "Catchup Special" and calling it a new episode. It's not. However, my poor trusting Tivo doesn't know that and records it as if it were a new episode. Then I get all excited when I see it on my list - followed promptly by me getting all pissed off when I realize it is not a new episode at all.

I realize you are saving the new episodes for May Sweeps. But just the same, it's a jerk move and you should stop.


P.S. That What About Brian show is dumb.


Sarah said...

I guess those are probably very expensive shows to produce b/c of the ensemble casts and their salaries. BUT STILL I wished they'd just show a plain old rerun then those stupid compilations they pass off as new!

Christina said...

They do the same asinine thing with Lost, usually after 4 weeks of reruns.

Very annoying.

Christopher said...

In fact, they just did it with Lost this week.

Anonymous said...


Imagine my surprise/irritation when looking for something to watch Memorial Day '06 and deciding on Antique's Roadshow on PBS because it had (N) beside the listing. Turned out to be highlights of past 'episodes'. Oh it's not so surprising to find such dribble on commercial television - but on PBS! What's the world coming to?! It reminded of reading your comment on this blog.
Uncle Stephen

Who am I(?) you may wonder; I recently stumbled onto this blog posting via The James Report...... I find his blog site of most interest.