Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Things That Suck

1. Law School - seriously one year was plenty!
2. Commander in Chief - it really pains me to say it, but its true
3. Verizon Video/New Jersey - for stealing my husband
4. Lack o' free time - see number 1
5. The end of summer
6. Grating my finger with the micro-plane grater - OUCH!
7. Missing my family
8. The obnoxious guy in my CrimPro AND BA class.
9. My friend Haley living so far away :(
10. Not having a car.

Things That Are Awesome

1. Hot Yoga - 600 calories in an HOUR AND 1/2!
2. Maggie - soooo cuddly
3. Finally getting tickets to Paul McCartney - Oct 8!
4. Floating Mountains, Singing Clouds
5. Fall Movies - North Country, Elizabethtown, The Family Stone
6. Desperate Housewives - I've miss you ladies
7. Pamela - having an extra person to help with the dog AND do the dishes (and she's pretty funny)
8. Amalah
9. Oprah - the old standby
10. Not having to pay for gas


Christina said...

I'm really mystified; everyone seems to get those spam robot comments but me. Not that I mind.

Oh wait, I still use a different comment server. I bet that's it.

Anyway, I got my D.C. tickets! I get in about 5pm on Friday the 14th, but I can totally go visit a museum or something for a while, if y'all won't be around until later. Or we can meet for dinner. I'll be travelling very light.

Haley said...

YES!!! I made the LIST!!