Friday, June 10, 2005

Me, Amy, & Emily

So, Wednesday night we went to see the Indigo Girls for Nicholas birthday. It was a really great concert and Amy even played "Romeo and Juliet" which she rarely does live so awesome all around. BUT...the really cool part was the next day they came to the Hill to lobby for low power FM radio and I went to the little briefing. I got there early and sat in the second row. Then Emily comes in and sits IN FRONT OF ME. They played Closer to Fine, Yield, and Galileo six feet in front of me! It was amazing. They were totally unplugged, no mics or anything. It was totally great to see them up close and personal. Afterwards, I got to thank both of them and chat with Emily about advice for one of my closet friends who wants to become a musician. It was just so absolutely freaking cool.


Anonymous said...

So jealous!!! Sarahcita, that sounds so cool. I am always in awe of the fun things you manage to be able to do, like meet Gloria Steinem etc.
Hope y'all are well, and it's good to see you posting again...

Jen said...

I don't know what makes me more jealous, the Barack or the Indigo Girls. My best friend and I are HUGE fans of both. Let me just say that I am oozing jealous fumes right now at your amazing luck. Keep whispering good things to our leaders and keep the liberal train chugging!

A liberal trapped in small town Ohio,