Friday, February 06, 2004

I don't even know where to start...

I read two stories yesterday that helped me reach an important decision. One was "The Note" an election commentary by abc news. The second was the cover story of Newsweek entitled "Why We Were Wrong" which explored the evidence given for the war in Iraq. My conclusion: that there is a serious chance I could go crazy before this election is over.

I say this because I suddenly realized something very important. Instead of talking about why our commander-in-chief led us into a preemptive war on faulty evidence during this election, we're are going to be talking about whether or not the government should be able to tell me who I should marry. (The answer to that question by the way is no.) This is not to say that I do not believe gay marriage is an important issue. I do. I believe it is an issue based fundamentally on your moral beliefs in homosexuality which last time I checked every person gets to decide for themselves. However instead this is going to become another hot button issue to distract from political issues of governmental the war on faulty evidence previously mentioned. The true irony here is that the party of "personal responsibility" is going to be calling for it on one issue while passing the buck on the other.

So that is the end of my rant and Nicholas is now officially kicking himself for asking me to blog more.

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