Friday, October 17, 2003

I Didn't Believe in Curses, Until Last Night

Poor Red Sox. Poor Sox Fans.

Poor Cubs. Poor Cubs Fans.

Poor rest of the world not in New York or Florida, who once again will not get to watch a good World Series. Think about it, the last Four World Series have been awful.

2000, The Subway Series--Not a single person outside of New York cared, especially since everyone knew that the Yankees were going to kill the Mets.

2001, Yankees-Diamondbacks-- A couple of good games, and it was nice to see the Yankees finally go down, but were you watching?

2002, Angels-Giants--Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...what's the time difference between here and Caleeforneah?

2003, Marlins-Yankees--Team that no one's ever heard of vs. team that no one wants to hear about again. The two teams that nobody wanted to win end up in the Series. Somebody tell me who wins. (Can MLB get a losers bracket so we can see who wins the more interesting match-up?)

At any rate, I don't plan on this becoming a sports blog, but I've been watching a lot of sports on my week off, including repeats of the World Series of Poker. We also got a DVR from the cable company. It's not quite TiVo, but it works for us.

Maggie is doing well. She had her first vet visit with us. We took her to the clinic where her foster mother works. She was very brave, and barked at dogs at least 12 times her size. She's currently snoring in my lap.

Sarah is enjoying her job, especially the fact that the staff at PPCNC is mostly female. The office seems happy to have her, as well.

Sarah has uploaded pictures of Maggie and of the Holland parents' visit, which we'll send around to interested parties soon.

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