Sunday, August 10, 2003

Moving In, Again

Sarah and I are no longer in Washington, DC. We left Saturday morning, and drove the four-hour drive in just under seven hours. Apparently, all the people from DC, Northern Virginia, and lower Maryland flock to Virginia beach, clogging up I-95 for 100s of miles on their way. It was amazingly frustrating, but it's over, thank God. Also, thanks to Annie and Kyle for helping us move out of our DC apartment and for countless other unrepaid favors over the summer.

We're now in Durham. We've been moving into our apartment for the last day and a half. We also made a trek out to Target in Raleigh to spend our Target gift certificates on more of our registry stuff. It was a good time. The place is a wreck, but we're getting through it.

In other news, I found out last week that if you need to, you can get 1) a birth certificate delivered to your door in under a week or 2) a passport in a day if you're willing to pay for it. These realizations came soon after I realized that I needed one or the other to travel to St. Thomas. What I don't understand is why if I'm traveling from the US to a US protectorate I have to prove that I'm a US citizen? Didn't we spread our empire to the beautiful Caribbean for a reason? Jeez. By the way, you can only get a passport in a day if you live in DC or NY, and it's by appointment only. However, you can pay a service to do it for you in 3 days, but it'll cost you...a lot. I should be getting a birth certificate delivered tomorrow via FedEx.

I'd better cut this short, I'm not holding up my end of the deal on the unpacking thing (Sarah's just so good at it and seems to enjoy it, so why should I ruin her fun?).

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