Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Summer's Almost Over...oh...and the Pictures are In

The last few weeks in DC have been pretty busy, and it doesn't look like things are going to slow down.

Though most of our time has been taken up by work, we have managed to get out on the weekends. This weekend we went to the National Zoo, where we saw the two new(er) pandas, and a frog that for all the world looked dead (I'll see if we can get pictures up). It's a pretty decent zoo overall, though they were doing a lot of remodeling when we were there.

We've also been attending the "Screen on the Green" movies, where they play a movie on a big screen on the Mall. We saw Cat on a Hot Tin Roof the first week and The Postman Always Rings Twice the second. I'd never seen either, and now I wish I hadn't seen Postman at all. Talk about your melodrama. (Sarah did think it was better than Spirited Away, which we had rented the night before and definitely had its weird moments.)

Sarah's grandmother was also in town a couple of weekends ago, so we got to spend some time with her and her friends, who especially enjoyed Eastern Market. This weekend we had her friends Elizabeth and Erin visiting for Sarah's birthday (which was yesterday), and this coming weekend Ron and Lisa will be in town. Add to that the fact that we move out in two weekends, and our schedule gets pretty full. Especially since we go on our honeymoon the next weekend.

I've got about a week and a half of work to go, and I'm trying to get my projects finished up. I've really enjoyed my summer here, but being a student won't be so bad, either.

The pictures are available at this link. After you get there, go to "Weddings," and then click on "Nicholas and Sara [sic]." The password is Sarah's maiden name. Enjoy!

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