Thursday, September 20, 2007

Will Work for Blog

So I just love these interactive posts don't ya'll!?!

Well, this time I think everyone should take this quiz and then posts their scores in the comments. I got at 85% and Nicholas got an 82% but that probably shouldn't surprise anyone since I am WAY smarter than he is. ;)

P.S. I was thinking Pamela shouldn't be allowed to play because I resent her and her brain enough already, but since it doesn't involve word play at all I guess I'll let her participate.


Unknown said...

Just took it - got a 98.33%

Take that Sarah! j/k j/k

We got the same question wrong - damn you James Monore ::shakes fist into the air::

Jessica said...

I tried taking this quiz and forced myself to stop after #8, it was too depressing.

I'm going to gestimate that I would have scored a -14%.

Sorry, I tried, but I just can't pretend that I know much about history. I mostly learned what I needed to know to pass American History my sophomore year and then immediately dumped anything that didn't rhyme with "Columbus sailed the ocean blue."

Dewayne said...

50/60 ~83%...inexcusable for a social studies teacher, but I'm really clueless on some of those econ questions...I was lights out on the history ones though...