Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Labor Day Weekend
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.

We had a fabulous weekend in Atlanta for the first annual Holland*Con. All the Holland siblings were there, along with Lynn's sister Pam and her son Josh and his family. Needless to say, it was a wild weekend. I got there on Thursday and hung out with the babies. We also made a Dairy Queen run where the above picture was taken.

On Friday we did some eating and some shopping. I had told my sister-in-law Jenn that for my last 10 trips to Atlanta I'd only eaten at The Varsity and Athens Pizza. She made it her personal mission to change that and I'd say she did a pretty dang good job. Over the course of weekend, I tried Taqueria Del Sol, Crescent Moon, Brick Store, and Canoe and engaged in some chocolate decadence at Fritti and The Chocolate Bar.

Nicholas arrived late Friday night and we awoke early on Friday morning for a trip to the new Georgia Aquarium. It was pretty amazing, although the babies largely lost interest after about 15 minutes. We had big family dinners on Saturday to celebrate Elizabeth's first birthday and Sunday night for the Holland*Con family portrait. A grand time was had by all, especially the kids who all ate more sugar, watched more TV, and stayed up later then they would have normally been allowed.

Of course, I have a little baby hangover - known better as a cold you get from the little petri dishes - but it was worth it. We had a great time with all the family and it was over way too soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


like comic*con, except without 46-year old men dressed up as sailor moon. or jenna jameson. unless...was she at holland*con?
