Friday, January 12, 2007

Lentil Barley Soup
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.

My good friend Dylan asked to model our dinner last night. He joins us about a once a week so you should see his beautiful face pretty often.

We've known each other FOREVER (notice the T-shirt) and very few people understand me as well as he does. Our relationship was love/hate for several years but now is all love with a only a dash of mild annoyance at times. ;)


1 medium onion, diced
3 stalks celery, chopped
2-3 carrots, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1&1/2 cups french green lentils
3/4 cup pearled barley
3 vegetarian boullion cubes or 3 cups vegetable broth
1 TBSP cumin
1/2 TBSP turmeric
7 cups water (3 if using broth and not cubes)
14 oz can of crushed tomatoes

In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP olive oil over medium heat.

Add onion, celery, and carrots and saute for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute for about 30 seconds. Season with salt and pepper - be sparing with salt as boullion cubes and broth have lots.

Add water and boullion cubes, raise heat to high, and bring to a boil.

Add barley, lentils, turmeric, and cumin.

Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add can of crushed tomatoes.

Allow soup to simmer a little longer, until lentils are soft. Season to taste.

Serve with bread.


Anonymous said...

Hey Stew- don't most of your friendships/relationships start as love/hate?

I can think of numerous people from college that began friendships with you that way ;)

Anonymous said...

Why are you not giving the recipes?

Nicholas said...

There wasn't really a recipe for this. I just looked at a few recipes for similar soups and then put this together based loosely on those.

Here's the recipe - as I remember it.

1 medium onion, diced
3 stalks celery, chopped
2-3 carrots, chopped
2 gloves garlic, minced
1&1/2 cups french green lentils
3/4 cup pearled barley
3 vegetarian boullion cubes or 3 cups vegetable broth
1 TBSP cumin
1 TBSP turmeric
7 cups water (3 if using broth and not cubes)
14 oz can of crushed tomatoes

In a large pot, heat 2 TBSP olive oil over medium heat.

Add onion, celery, and carrots and saute for about 5 minutes. Add garlic and saute for about 30 seconds. Season with salt and pepper - be sparing with salt as boullion cubes and broth have lots.

Add water and boullion cubes, raise heat to high, and bring to a boil.

Add barley, lentils, turmeric, and cumin. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Add can of crushed tomatoes. Allow soup to simmer a little longer, until lentils are soft. Season to taste.

Serve with bread.

Nicholas said...

OOPS - That's supposed to be 1/2 tbsp turmeric.

Anonymous said...

Hey, which one of us is mildly annoyed?

Folks, I am here to tell you that this was a delicious soup. I couldn't believe that he just whipped it up. I am a lucky, lucky, possibly-mildly-annoyed neighbor.

Sarah said...

Oh I was talking about your interactions with Maggie ;)

And yes Jessica a lot of my relationships do start love/hate - what can I say? it just takes a little while for my fabulousness to translate ;)