Sunday, November 01, 2009


We had a fantastic Halloween night. After having dinner at my mom's and taking a ton of pictures of our baby lobster, we headed out to Jefferson St. They shut the entire street down and several houses go all out decorating their lawns (my favorite was The Wizard of Oz house pictured below). After taking in the festive scene, we settled at the home of some friends where they passed out candy to over 1,900 trick or treaters. Nicholas and I even got in on some of the candy passing fun.

The kids were so adorable from the wee one who proudly proclaimed "Wick or Weet!!!" to the little princess who instead of offering a trick or treat just stated that she wanted a candy bar. Fair enough, sweetheart, fair enough.

It was the most fun I've had on Halloween in as long as I can remember.

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