Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hillary's Return

I swear I'm on CNN with Hillary so much they should offer me a job. I'm towards the end of the clip. Don't mess my act of kindness when I let my someone else step in front of me in line.

Of course my kindness was rewarded. Hillary reached through to shake my hand and I told her we missed her. She thanked me and then exclaimed, "I love your daisies!" (In case you can't see in the video, I'm wearing daisy earrings in her favorite color of yellow of course!)

Could she be any more amazing? Doubtful.


Jessica said...

According to the Urban dictionary, daisies are another word for boobies.

I'm just sayin'

Kidding, of course.

I think its cool how you keep getting to meet her. You either have the best karma of anyone I know, or you're borderline stalker. I'm going with the good karma.

Sarah said...

It's neither - I just live in her hood. ;)