Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Next Day Brunch
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.

The thing I miss most about home is visitin'. Luckily, there was lots of visitin' when I was home recently for the wedding tour of Kentucky. Visitin' is when you come over to for a breakfast and stay till 3:30 (like we did at the Staffords) or when you go over to someone's house only to hang out and enjoy their company (like we did with Timily). When I'm home in Paducah, my grandmother often comes over to visit and the visitin' is so good, we end up "playin' all day long" as my mother says.

Of course, some of my best visitin' is always done with my beloved friend Annie and her husband Kyle. When the four of us get together, we have such a blast it is hard to put into words. Now, when it comes right down to it, Kyle and Nicholas are amateurs and Annie and I can stay up talking late into the night. If I had to make a list of my favorite people to visit with, Annie would definitely be in the top 3. :)

1 comment:

Annie said...

Oh stop it. You're making me blush. ;-)

We did have some good visitin' though. Just not near enough. So come on home.