Thursday, June 28, 2007


As we all know, I am in Kentucky. Yesterday, I went down to La Center to visit my grandmother. Everytime Nicholas and I go down there we threaten to dognap this little dog that lives outside between my grandmother and great-aunt. My aunt rescued it a couple years ago and it was my great-uncle David's dog till he passed away several years ago. No one really took charge of Freckles upkeep and he got kind of shaggy to say the very least. He's a cocker mutt so he's got real long hair that was all matted up and dirty. He is the sweetest dog and everytime Nicholas and I said we wanted to take him and get him groomed.

Well, this morning I decided to do just that. I decided it was easier to ask forgiveness than permission so I went and dognapped Freckles (after borrowing my cousin's truck) and took him to the vet. They clipped his nails but their groomer was out of town so I had to call another groomer. I informed her that I had a grooming emergency and she said she could fit us in. I didn't take a real good picture before but here is Freckles when she started shaving away.

Here is the amount of hair on the floor when she was done:

He got a bath, deticked, and a new red collar. And now I would like to gladly present Freckles, version 2.0!

He really is the sweetest dog and put up very patiently with all the poking, proding and loud razors, blowdryers, and clippers. It made my week to see him so happy to be free of all that hair. :)


Anonymous said...

you are such a good person. and hot, to!

your french girlfriend

Anonymous said...

i spelled "TOO" correctly. i never would've made that mistake...ugh. i hate myself for typing "to."

still the french girlfriend

Anonymous said...

Sarah- you are the sweetest person to take care of Freckles like that! I bet he doesn't know what to think! And he looks sooooo cool! :=)

Love you very much!

Aunt Sheree Darlin'

Christina said...

Aw. He's cute. He needed that grooming.

Geoffrey said...

Now I can see why they call him Freckles. Ever thought about a doggie makeover show?