Monday, April 23, 2007

Big Weekend

Engagement Party
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.

Nicholas and I had very exciting and very busy weekend. On Friday night, we went on a double date with our friends Miti and Tim to Circle Bistro. The food was fantastic and, as often is the case when we got out with Miti and Tim, the conversation was even better. Although things got pretty fiesty when they decided to argue The Wire is a better television show than The Sopranos. I mean come on people - that is not even reasonable.

Saturday was huge day because we had thirteen of our nearest and dearest over for a surprise engagement party for our dear friends Laura and Dan. The fabulous Guinevere co-hosted with us, which was a good thing because we defintiely couldn't have done it without her.

The preparation was going along swimmingly until I decided to straighten some pictures over my couch. Nicholas slightly tickled my stomach and I touched one of the two shelves hanging on the wall. Yeah, it fell down. I tried despeartely not to panic, but it wasn't easy. Luckily, we patched and painted the wall pretty easily and the pictures on the shelf hung over the space nicely.

However, this event set the rest of our schedule back a bit and we were frantically cooking and cleaning up till the last second. No one seemed to notice or care. Perhaps they were distracted my Nicholas's amazing menu. :)

He made:
homemade cheese strays (basil and parmasean)
mushroom crostini
swordfish rolls
stuffed tomatos
and we had an antipasto tray.

Even better than the food was Laura and Dan were genuinely surprsied and very touched by the gesture. They thought they were coming over for a quiet dinner party, so needless to say, their faces were priceless. Plus, Laura had never had a surprise party thrown for her so that was an added bonus.

We recovered all day Sunday then went out for another double date with our friend Jennifer and Eric to Rosa Mexicana. I had never been there before and the food was fabulous. It is really difficult to get good Mexican in DC so we really enjoyed it. Again, the conversation was great. I mean we arrived at 8 and left at 11:45!

THEN, of course, our Tivo messed up recording Sopranos (I blame you Geoffrey) so we had to stay up till the midnight showing on HBO West. It was worth it but I am sooo tired today...actually that's true of the entire weekend.


Haley said...

Fun! The food sounds yummy!

Anonymous said...

best party ever! you forgot to mention the unbelievable cake!!! for other readers, it was lemon curd with white chocolate ganache, served with fresh berries.