Monday, August 14, 2006

Fripp Trip

The girls
Originally uploaded by SarahorNicholas.
(Our internet is officially working! YEAH!!!!)

Two weeks ago, I traveled to Kentucky to drive with my girlfriends Erin and Elizabeth (we picked up Aimee in NC) to Fripp Island, SC. Elizabeth's parents own a beautiful home there and generously agreed to let us stay there for a week. We went twice when we were in college and have fond memories of long nights on the screened-in porch playing Phase 10 and drinking Arbor Mist.

We recreated those memories pretty closely. Only we spent less time on the porch and more time on the beach because it was stinking hot. We played Phase 10, Rummikub, and Trivia Pursuit. However, I prefer not to talk about because my luck was crap and I lost miserably every time.

There isn't much on Fripp so we ate at home most night. Elizabeth and Aimee made us an assortment of delicious meals including pasta and seafood, salmon patties, and burgers. I even contributed a small sampling of my baking mastery with a banana macadamia nut cheesecake.

We stuck pretty close to a strict schedule of sleeping till 10:30, doing jack shit inside for a while, and going to the beach from 2 till we were hungry and went in for dinner. It was pretty awesome.

The most exciting moment came on Wednesday. We decided to go out in the water in some floats and drift in with the tide. Erin and Elizabeth were on an innertube and I was on a pool float. However, Aimee just had a noodle and noticed that we were in fact being pulled out instead of drifting in. Since the rest of us were high up, we really couldn't feel it and thought Aimee was just being paranoid. Elizabeth and Erin decided to jump down and realized Aimee was in fact right. Of course, I am too smart for that and continued to play on my raft while they waved at me. Before I knew it, I was a good 40 feet from them and the shore. I promptly started freaking out and wondering why I didn't bring my lifeguard husband with me.

I tried letting the wave float me in and digging in against the undertow because I could touch. As you might suspect, that was not working so well. Now, I'm really starting to freak out. At this point, Erin swims out to me because she is the most amazing friend in the entire world and disregarded her own safety and Elizabeth's warnings because she knew I needed her. Once she was with me I calmed down and we gradually worked our way in.

Turns out, you are supposed to swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the rip tide. Of course that is good to know now but would have been better to know then. Luckily, alls well that ends well and I made it in to blog another day.

Anyway, besides Erin saving my life, it was a pretty low key girls' vacation. Fun was had by all. I love those girls with all my heart and can't imagine a better way to spend a vacation.

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