Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Assateague National Seashore

Ponies in the campsite
Originally uploaded by The Smooze.
Sarah and I went with our friends Annie and Kyle to Assateague National Seashore. This island has a bunch of once domesticated horses that are now "wild." They are a small breed, so they are affectionately known as wild ponies. The ponies, as evidenced by this photo, are pretty used to people. They were also quite unafraid of Maggie.

We had a wonderful time camping out and we hit the beach on Monday for a last gasp before the end of summer. The water was cold and pretty choppy, so there wasn't a whole lot of swimming, but the weather was beautiful. Maggie enjoyed the beach, but was confused by the sand and waves. Unfortunately, we failed to take a single picture of her. Ah well.

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