Monday, August 29, 2005


Dear MTV,

We need to talk. It's time for some honesty in our relationship. We've been together a long time - 24 years, both born in 1981 and we've gone through alot. Overall, I've been incredibly happy with you. You've really given me so much. The Real World, Sex in the 90's, reruns of My So-Called-Life, Rich Girls. Recently, I thought you were really hitting a stride. I mean Real World/Road Rules Challenge is really something special. Your documentaries, especially True Life have brought me to tears. And My Super Sweet Sixteen! Jesus, words cannot express my love for that show.

However, twice a year my high opinion of you suffers a serious blow. Once in early summer during the MTV Movie Awards and again in late summer during the Video Music Awards. I mean seriously I don't even know what to say except I remember a time when these awards show did not suck so completely. And it seems yesterday night with the 2005 VMAs you reached a new low. It was really really painful. Awkward P. Di--- I mean Diddy dance numbers, weird comedic interludes, mediocre performances. In fact, and this is hard for me to say...I don't think I'm going to watch them anymore. They are just too awful. Really I want to cling a few more years because I'm getting older and I do want to stay relevant. But I fear you too are getting older and your irrelevance is creeping across the stage at these events.

I mean maybe if you got some help. Maybe you should hire whoever makes all those amazing commericials. But until then MTV awards shows I have to say...We are officially on a break.



Haley said...

Yeah, glad I missed that one! Rumor has it that when R.Kelly sang his novel, people in the audienc just started to get up and talk to eachother, take smoke/food breaks and pretty much ignore the whole performance. heard it was pretty bad.

Sarah said...

Yeah he lipsynched the whole thing. Although he wasn't trying to hide it since he was pantomiming different parts. Of course it also could be b/c that song/series is ridiculous!